Probate Law Attorneys
The attorneys of Greenberg & LaPeyronnie are experienced and well versed in opening, administering, and closing successions. They have prepared powers of attorney, living wills, last wills and testaments, and have engaged in hearings and trials of succession and probate proceedings.
Our attorneys dedicate themselves and their resources to assure you that after your death, your wishes and desires are carried out as you intended. On the other hand, if you are entitled to rights and property as a result of someone's death, and you have not yet been placed into possession of what is due to you, our attorneys are ready and capable to represent you in your claims.
If you are interested in putting your affairs in order, the following are questions to consider:
Do you want to execute a power of attorney to appoint someone of your choosing to handle your medical decisions for you should you become unable to do so?
Do you want to survive on life support?​
Do you wish to donate your organs for medical use?
Do you want to direct how your body shall be handled after your death, whether for burial or for your choice of a number of alternatives?
Do you want to execute a power of attorney to appoint someone of your choosing to handle your daily affairs and business for you should you become unable to do so?​
Do you want a "living" will, and whom do you appoint to make sure your wishes are carried out?
What type of "last" will do you want to use, and which person(s) do you want to inherit what property of yours? What conditions do you want to establish?
Whether you are seeking to establish directives, or make a claim of inheritance rights, our attorneys are here to put the force and effect of law in your favor.
Successions & Wills
(Probate Law)
Probate law includes such matters as powers of attorney, living wills and last wills, and the succession of estates.