Make a Payment
To pay online using a Visa, Mastercard, or Discover card, select the option below that describes the payment you are making.
Please note, we cannot accept American Express at this time.
We partner with LawPay as an online payment solution. By choosing any of the payment options below, you understand and agree to use LawPay's website to process your payment for our legal services.
To pay an invoice, please refer to the amount due on the most recent invoice received by you, and enter your client reference number. If you require assistance determining the total amount due, please call our office at (504) 366-8118. Invoices are typically issued between the 8th and 15th of each month for the month prior.
To pay a retainer, please ensure that you remit the full amount quoted to you during or at the conclusion of your consultation with one of our attorneys.
To replenish your escrow account with us, please ensure you indicate your client reference number. Deposits made may not be reflected on your next invoice. Contact our office if you have any questions about your escrow balance.