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Administrative Hearings & Appeals

Many trades and professions are governed by administrative laws, which are administered by a regulatory agency, and can have far reaching effect upon the livelihood of persons and businesses. In addition to fines, the most extreme penalty is the revocation of a license to practice your trade or profession.

Administrative Hearing & Appeals Attorney

In administrative law, there are multiple levels of law regulating an administrative hearing. The administrative agency's laws, rules, and regulations are the primary source of law concerning the investigation and hearing of a complaint.  Should a step in the process fail to be addressed by that agency's law, then the Louisiana Administrative Procedure Act (LAPA) is to be applied. If a step in that agency's process is still not addressed, then the law found in the Louisiana Civil Code of Procedure is relied upon. 


The administrative appeal process is generally different than that of civil and criminal cases. Most often, the first level of appeal is called a "judicial review," and it is the district court's burden to hear an appeal of an administrative decision or order. However, the district court is limited to the scope of what it may review and limited in the remedies it may provide under judicial review. Thereafter, an appeal lies with a Circuit Court, followed by the Louisiana Supreme Court. 


For more than 20 years, Adrian LaPeyronnie continues to practice in the area of administrative law, judicial review, and appeals. 



Reverence for life is the highest court of appeal.


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